Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Letter to My Younger Sisters ~ He Always Be There...

Kemensah Height, Ampang

8th July 2010

When I started writing this thought, it was 3 o’clock in the morning.

Baby Eusuff had just gone back to sleep after he woke up half an hour ago for his milk. He always wake up every three hours for his feeding.

Remembering that I had not performed my Isya’ prayer yet, I carefully walked past Ammar and Iman, who were sleeping on a mattress on the bedroom floor to take my ablution.

I was still in my confinement period. It was day 37th.

After Isya’ prayer, I continued with Tahajjud prayer, which I seldom did. Sometimes I felt so sleepy to wake up, which was not good. InsyaAllah I will improve on this. May Allah gives me strength...

After closing my Quran, I maintained sitting on the prayer mat, still in my nice, cozy telekung, which my friend bought for me from Vietnam. Sitting by myself at this early hour, made me started to reflect on my current life and my past life.

I am now 32 years old.  No more as teenager or young adults.

Time really flies. I didn’t realise that, seriously.. I am  now a wife, a mother to 4 very young children, as amanah to me and my husband to look after, InsyaAllah..

Alhamdulillah, I realised that Allah has blessed me with great life. I felt so grateful for what I have now in my life and also the things that I have had in the past. If someone ask me to list down every single blessing that I have now, I don’t think I could fully listed down everything. Praise be to Allah for all the blessings that He Has Bestowed on me in my life.

But I should bear in mind that all the blessings were there as a test for me. We always thought that the hardest test in our life is poor health, not enough money or any undesirable conditions, but apparently they are not the hardest test.  I once heard in one of the motivational talks on TV that the hardest test is the good blessings that we have in our life. This includes good health, enough/extra money, spare time, enough food to eat, etc.   I have to agree with that because when we have everything that we want in this life, we normally forget that it is also part of the test from Allah.

Yes, our life is really a test, to test us either we are really qualified to enter the best home ever, which is the Paradise.

Allah has mentioned it in Surah Al-Mulk:

"Blessed be He in Whose Hand is the dominion; and He is Able to do all things. Who has created death and life that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving." (Verse 1-2)

My sisters,

If you are feeling down at this moment or you are facing tough challenges, which you need to overcome and you feel that you don’t know what to do, don’t worry. Allah is always near you, waiting for your prayer. InsyaAllah He will listen to you and your prayer.

That was what happened to me one month ago. Even though I had mentioned that everything in my life had been great, I could not deny that as human being, I also had difficult and challenging moments in my life. That tough moment was really a test for me.

I didn't know what should I do at tthat time.  I felt so down and I really cried my heart out but not long after that, Alhamdulillah, a good friend of mine had shared with me this special prayer from Quran, Surah Al-Qashash, from Verse 24:

رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ

"My Lord! truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!" 

While holding on to the Quran in my hand while reciting the prayer over and over again, I couldn't stop my tears, seeking His Help because I know that He is the One who could help me at that moment. Nobody else could.

Alhamdulillah, Allah had heard my prayer. I could not expressed how happy I was when I heard the news that my son had recovered from his illness.

Thank you, Allah for your blessing.

Reflecting back on difficult moments at your age, sisters, yes, life as teenagers or young adults are really challenging.  

As students, there are exams that we have to pass.  We have also other personal things to think of.

As young adult starting to experience working life, our new job, our bosses or even our colleagues could be a challenge to us.

If you are having tough time right now, I know you can overcome it. You are not alone. Allah is very close to you and He can hear you. Don’t forget to ask for his help.

Time is nearly 5 o’clock. I think I better stop for now and maybe have a little nap before Subuh prayer.

InsyaAllah we will meet again soon.

Before I go, I would like to share this inspiring song that really inspires me.

I used to hear songs like Hero by Mariah Carey and one Olympic song by Gloria Estefan (can't recall the title now) during my student time when I felt that I need motivation.  But this song will now replace those songs to remind me that Allah is always there for me.. Alhamdulillah..

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life Is All About Choices...

Life is always full of challenges.

But Alhamdulillah, life always offer us with choices for every obstacles and every challenges that we face in life. It all depends on us to make the decision coz we have been gifted with our thinking capabilities as human being.

At the age of 30s (or even at the age of early 20s), we are already wise enough to make our own decision. Maybe not really wise in our late teenage years, I think.. (I still didn't know which course to choose after my SPM, either Polymer Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Electrical Engineering!:-))

I can still remember when I was 13 years old, I was "forced" by my parents to continue my studies in a boarding school. Well, at that point of time, I was so naive and couldn't make my own decision wisely (only now I had realised that..) Alhamdulillah, my parents had made that decision for me to stay in the boarding school despite my homesickness for the first few weeks (thank you, Abah & Mak!:-))

What decision have you made in your life recently?

Whatever decision that we make in life, do remember that our life is too precious to be wasted.

If we start to feel unhappy about our life, stop and think for a while.. "Do we have other alternatives?" "Can I change my current situation?" There is always alternatives for every situation. Always make decision for our own happiness. Nevertheless, once in a while, we have to also consider happiness of other people around us too, especially those people that we love.

Bottom line is, we must know our priorities in life to help us make any decision. If we have conflicting priorities, for example our work and our family, there is always a way (InsyaAllah) that we can work around it. Plan so that we can still satisfy our first priority without having to sacrifice the other priority. We may have to do some sacrifice here.. (like doing our office work during our vacation, maybe?)

Whatever it is, make the best out of this precious life of ours...

~Ummu Yusra~

Kuala Lumpur