Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our Life Is Not A Resting Place...

Still waiting for my husband to return from work. He's also returning the rental car this evening as our flight from Chicago O'hare International Airport is scheduled to depart at 12.30 tomorrow afternoon. Today we plan to have our last Iftar in Shish Kabob before we fly home tomorrow InsyaAllah..

While waiting for him, let me continue with my notes sharing from a talk that I heard under a title "Ramadan Your Second Chance" from Episode 6 & 7 by Sheikh Karim Abu Zeid. InsyaAllah this note would serve as a reminder to me, especially..

In his talk, he reminds us that this world is not a resting place but a testing place.

"Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion, and He is Able to do all things. Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving." [Al-Mulk: 1-3]

And where is the resting place then?

The resting place is no other than Jannah (Paradise).

He then describes how is the life in Jannah based on Qur'an and Hadith (Prophet Muhammad sayings). I need to do some searching for the exact words and reference so that I can include them in here later, InsyaAllah..

Sheikh Karim further explains that there is no more death in Jannah. We will only experience death once at the end of this life journey and life after that (Hereafter) will be everlasting (forever).

People of Jannah will always be healthy and never fall sick in Jannah. People of Jannah will stay young and never become old. People of Jannah can eat as much as possible and never gets fat.

There is always joy in Jannah and People of Jannah will forget all previous hardship and agonies from this world.

Masha Allah.. When I heard this, I felt so relief knowing that all my hardship, my calamities and all the tests in this world are only temporary.. May Allah Bestow His Mercy on us to enter Jannah..

Nevertheless, I know that to get into Jannah is not easy coz when Jannah is first being created by Allah, it is surrounded by desires and difficulties. For us to to go into Jannah, we need to cross through our desires. May Allah make easy for us to go to Jannah. Ameen..

Last but not least, we are encouraged to ask from Allah to enter the highest level of Jannah..

So wonderful, isn't it?

Always make our goal - Jannah.

Make our goal of our life - Jannah.

We will have an easy life there..

~Ummu Yusra~


Des Plaines, Chicago

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Life of This World Is a Transient Shade

Abdul Malik Al-Qasim
Excerpted from "The Life of This World Is a Transient Shade"
© 1999 IIPH

"Truly, the life of this world is nothing but a [quick passing] enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter that is the home that will remain forever." [Qur'an, 40:39]

"And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial and that surely with Allah is a mighty reward." [Qur'an 8:28]

"And strain not your eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to various groups of them [polytheists], the splendour of the life in this world, that We may test them thereby." [Qur'an 20:131]

"And put forward to them the example of the life of this world: It is like the water [rain] which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it, and becomes fresh and green. But [later] it becomes dry and broken pieces, which the winds scatter. And Allah is Able to do everything." [Qur'an 18:45]

"My similitude and that of the life of this world is that of a traveler who took a rest at mid-day under a shade of a tree and then left it." [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim]

"Be in this world like a stranger, or a wayfarer." [Bukhari]

"When Allah (`azza wa jall) gives a person whatever he loves of the worldly benefits despite his disobedience, then that is a gradual enticement." [Ahmad and al-Bayhaqi]

"The Hour has drawn near, whereas the people have become more greedy for the life of the world and more remote from Allah." [Al-Hakim]

Yahya ibn Mu`adh, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "I don't order you to abandon life but to abandon sins. Abandoning life is a virtue and abandoning sins is a duty, so your need for this latter is greater than your need for the former."

Dear Bother/Sister,

This life is full of benefits and fortunes: The land on which man constructs his dwelling, and grows his food, drinks, dress... etc., all represents the nourishment for man's body and soul proceeding towards Allah. Man of course cannot do without these vital necessities. the one who takes from these necessities only according to his real need as commanded by Allah is saved and praised. But whoever takes more than necessary for himself falls into covetousness which will lead him into harm instead of benefit, and consequently divert him from the right path towards Allah and the Hereafter.

Likewise, taking less than required of the worldly benefits is harmful because the human body needs to satisfy certain basic needs, and that will increase its capability to worship Allah perfectly.

`Amr ibn Abdullah said: "The life of this world and the Hereafter, in the heart of a person, are like the two scales of a balance, when the one becomes heavier the other becomes lighter."

Al-Hasan Al-Basri was asked: "Who is going to cry more than the others on the Day of Resurrection?" He answered, "A man on whom Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala has bestowed His Grace and who uses that for Allah's disobedience."

`Umar ibn Al-Khattab said: "Renouncing the worldly pleasures is a comfort for both the human heart and body."

Yahya ibn Mu`adh said: "How can I love this life? A sustenance is decreed for me in it which keeps me alive and helps me to perform the deeds of obedience that will lead me to Paradise."

`Abdullah ibn `Umar, radhiallahu `anhu, said: "The life of this world is Paradise for a disbeliever and a prision for a believer. When a believer dies and departs from this world, he feels himself like a prisoner who was released to go freely on the spacious earth."

`Umar ibn `Abdil `Aziz said: "The life of this world is not your permanent dwelling because Allah has decreed that it should perish and that all its dwellers should leave it. How many a populated area that will soon come to ruins, and how many a happy resident who will soon leave his residence. You should therefore leave this wolrd in the best way you can, and the best of provisions is piety. Since the life of this world is neither a home nor an abode for the believer, he should be in it, either a stranger whose objective is to take the required provisions and return home, or a traveler who is residing nowhere and who is proceeding day and night to reach a country of residence."

A poet said: "Man should take the minimum possible of the worldly pleasures, because he is leaving for a fixed appointment; turn his eyes away from this life and its ornaments, make all the efforts to keep away from its lusts, because it is a place of temporary pleasures and trials, and all the people in it will perish."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Keys To Paradise..

“Whoever wishes to be delivered from the fire (of Hell) and enter the garden (of Paradise) should die with faith in Allah and the Last Day and should treat the people as he wishes to be treated by them."

[Muhammad - Messenger of Allah (SAWS) as recorded in Sahih Muslim]

Three Guarantees Of Paradise..

“I guarantee a house in Jannah (Paradise) for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a house in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners”

[Prophet Muhammad SAWS - reported by Imam Abu Dawud]

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Main Goal In Life...

Des Plaines, 11:02 pm

Alhamdulillah I just watched a 15-minute video talk posted by Ramadhan Reminders in Facebook. The talk title is Ramadhan Your Second Chance, Episode 6 delivered by Sheikh Karim Abu Zeid, which I've also shared in my profile.

It is a very simple talk but yet conveys a very important message..

In the introduction part of the talk, he asks about "what is our goal in this life?"

Then I wondered, could it be to get more money or to travel to most big cities in the world or to be happy with my family?


My goal in life should always be Jannah.

That should be the main reason why I'm here. Everything that I do in this life, I should strive with Jannah in my mind. 

Then I started to reflect on my past goals in life..

Long, long time ago, when I was still in primary school, my goal in life back then was always to get more A's in my exam. At the beginning of every examination week, my father would say to my sister and I that for every single A that we got, we would get RM10. Money for us back then was really precious.  My father worked hard for our family and he wouldn't simply gave us money to spend on anything that we want. So then, all of us studied hard for our exam to get as maximum A's as possible. With money as our strong motivation, we really strived and studied hard to get it, and Alhamdulillah all of us had succeed (with our parents prayer as well).  That was when we were younger..

When I was in university, I wrote this small note as reminder, which I had pasted on the wall, right in front of my study table. Every time I raised my head, I could see the note. The short note that I wrote was "Study Kerana Allah." I didn't really relate "why should I study" or my life goal as student at that time with Jannah. Maybe the reason why I wrote that note was to remind me that whenever the subject gets tough, I should persevere, hoping to get reward from Allah. My mind and heart didn't really attach to Jannah yet as the best reward from Allah..

Alhamdulillah the talk really sets a clear target in my mind. Jannah should always be my goal out of this life. I hope that I can inculcate that attachment to Jannah in my children's hearts.. Ameen..

By the way, I have not really mentioned the main content of the talk. InsyaAllah I will do it in my future post.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Adding Years to Life.. Not Life to Years

I couldn't help myself but to copy & paste this article written by George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's.  In our busy life that we have nowadays, we sometimes forget what is more important in our precious life..

A Message by George Carlin: 

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. 

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. 

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. 

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. 

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less. 

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete... 

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. 

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. 

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. 

Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. An embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. 

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. 

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. 


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Have I Packed My Suitcases?

This morning, I've read a very inspiring, true story.. I want to place it here to remind me later, in case my life drift away or I forgot about my true purpose in this life journey.. 

The story's title is "Destination the Hereafter - Have You Packed Your Suitcases?

It's a bit long but it's very worth it to continue reading till the end.. Here goes..

Her cheeks were worn and sunken and her skin hugged her bones. That didn’t stop her though, you could never catch her not reciting Qur‘ân. Always vigil in her personal prayer room Dad had set up for her. Bowing, prostrating, raising her hands in prayer. That was the way she was from dawn to sunset and back again, boredom was for others.

As for me I craved nothing more than fashion magazines and novels. I treated myself all the time to videos until those trips to the rental place became my trademark. As they say, when something becomes habit people tend to distinguish you by it. I was negligent in my responsibilities and laziness characterized my salâh.

One night, I turned the video off after a marathon three hours of watching.The adhân softly rose in that quiet night. I slipped peacefully into my blanket. 

Her voice carried from her prayer room. 

"Yes? Would you like anything Nûrah?"

With a sharp needle she popped my plans. "Don’t sleep before you pray Fajr!"

"Agh ... there’s still an hour before Fajr, that was only the first adhân!" With those loving pinches of hers, she called me closer. She was always like that, even before the fierce sickness shook her spirit and shut her in bed. "Hanan can you come sit beside me."

I could never refuse any of her requests, you could touch the purity and sincerity. "Yes, Nûrah?"

"Please sit here." 

"OK, I’m sitting. What’s on your mind?"

With the sweetest mono voice she began reciting:

“Every soul shall taste death and you will merely be repaid your earnings on Resurrection Day”

She stopped thoughtfully. Then she asked, "Do you believe in death?"

"Of course I do."

"Do you believe that you shall be responsible for whatever you do, regardless of how small or large?"

"I do, but Allâh is Forgiving and Merciful and I've got a long life waiting for me"

"Stop it Hanan ... aren’t you afraid of death and it’s abruptness? Look at Hind. She was younger than you but she died in a car accident. So did so and so, and so and so. Death is age-blind and your age could never be a measure of when you shall die."

The darkness of the room filled my skin with fear. "I'm scared of the dark and now you made me scared of death, how am I supposed to go to sleep now."

"Nûrah, I thought you promised you’d go with us on vacation during the summer break."

Impact. Her voice broke and her heart quivered. "I might be going on a long trip this year Hanan, but somewhere else. Just maybe. All of our lives are in Allâh’s hands and we all belong to Him."

My eyes welled and the tears slipped down both cheeks. I pondered my sisters grizzly sickness, how the doctors had informed my father privately that there was not much hope that Nûrah was going to outlive the disease. She wasn’t told though. Who hinted to her? Or was it that she could sense the truth.

"What are you thinking about Hanan?" Her voice was sharp. "Do you think I am just saying this because I am sick? Uh - uh. In fact, I may live longer than people who are not sick. And you Hanan, how long are you going to live? Twenty years, maybe? Forty? Then what? Through the dark she reached for my hand and squeezed gently. There’s no difference between us; we’re all going to leave this world to live in Paradise or agonise in Hell."

Listen to the words of Allâh:

“Anyone who is pushed away from the Fire and shown into Jannah will have triumphed.”

I left my sister’s room dazed, her words ringing in my ears:" May Allâh guide you Hanan - don’t forget your prayer."

Eight ’O clock in the morning. Pounding on my door. I don’t usually wake up at this time. Crying. Confusion.

O Allâh, what happened? Nûrah’s condition became critical after Fajr, they took her immediately to the hospital ... Inna lillâhi wa inna ilayhi raji’ûn.

There wasn’t going to be any trips this summer. It was written that I would spend the summer at home.

After an eternity... It was One ’O clock in the afternoon. Mother phoned the hospital. Yes. You can come and see her now. Dad’s voice had changed, mother could sense something had gone deathly wrong. We left immediately. Where was that avenue I used to travel and thought was so short? Why was it so long now, so very long. Where was the cherished crowd and traffic that would give me a chance to gaze left and right. Everyone, just move out of our way. Mother was shaking her head in her hands crying as she made du’â for her Nûrah. We arrived at the hospitals main entrance.

One man was moaning, another was involved in an accident and a third’s eyes were iced, you couldn’t tell if he was alive or dead. We skipped stairs to Nûrah’s floor. She was in intensive care. The nurse approached us. Let me take you to her. As we walked down the aisles the nurse went on expressing how sweet a girl Nûrah was. She reassured Mother somewhat that Nûrah’s condition had gotten better than what it was in the morning.

"Sorry. No more than one visitor at a time." This was the intensive care unit. Through the small window in the door and past the flurry of white robes I caught my sister’s eyes. Mother was standing beside her. After two minutes, mother came out unable to control her crying. 

"You may enter and say salâm to her on condition that you do not speak too long, they told me. Two minutes should be enough."

"How are you Nûrah? You were fine last night sister, what happened?" We held hands, she squeezed harmlessly.

"Even now, Alhamdulillâh, I’m doing fine."

"Alhamdulillâh ... but ... your hands are so cold." I sat on her bedside and rested my fingers on her knee. She jerked it away. "Sorry ... did I hurt you?"

"No, it is just that I remembered Allâh’s words" “One leg will be wrapped to the other leg (in the death shroud)” ... "Hanan pray for me. I may be meeting the first day of the hearafter very soon. It is a long journey and I haven’t prepared enough good deeds in my suitcase."

A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek at her words. I cried and she joined me. The room blurred away and left us two sisters - to cry together. Rivulets of tears splashed down on my sister’s palm which I held with both hands. Dad was now becoming more worried about me. I’ve never cried like that before.

At home and upstairs in my room, I watched the sun pass away with a sorrowful day. Silence mingled in our corridors. A cousin came in my room, another. The visitors were many and all the voices from downstairs stirred together. Only one thing was clear at that point ... Nûrah had died!

I stopped distinguishing who came and who went. I couldn't remember what they said. O Allâh, where was I? What was going on? I couldn’t even cry anymore.

Later that week they told me what had happened. Dad had taken my hand to say goodbye to my sister for the last time, I had kissed Nûrah’s head. I remember only one thing though, seeing her spread on that bed, the bed that she was going to die on. I remembered the verse she recited:

“One leg will be wrapped to the other leg (in the death shroud)” and I knew too well the truth of the next verse: “The drive on that day we be to your Lord (Allâh)!”

I tiptoed into her prayer room that night. Staring at the quiet dressers and silenced mirrors, I treasured who it was that had shared my mother’s stomach with me. Nûrah was my twin sister. I remembered who I had swapped sorrows with. Who had comforted my rainy days. I remembered who had prayed for my guidance and who had spent so many tears for so many long nights telling me about death and accountability. May Allâh save us all.

Tonight is Nûrah’s first night that she shall spend in her tomb. O Allâh, have mercy on her and illumine her grave. This was her Qur‘ân, her prayer mat and this was the spring rose-colored dress that she told me she would hide until she got married, the dress she wanted to keep just for her husband.

I remembered my sister and cried over all the days that I had lost. I prayed to Allâh to have mercy on me, accept me and forgive me. I prayed to Allâh to keep her firm in her grave as she always liked to mention in her supplications. At that moment, I stopped. I asked myself: what if it was I who had died? Where would I be moving on to? Fear pressed me and the tears began all over again.

Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar...

The first adhân rose softly from the Masjid, how beautiful it sounded this time. I felt calm and relaxed as I repeated the Muadhdhins call. I wrapped the shawl around my shoulders and stood to pray Fajr. I prayed as if it was my last prayer, a farewell prayer, just like Nûrah had done yesterday. It had been her last Fajr.

Now and insha’Allâh for the rest of my life, if I awake in the mornings I do not count on being alive by evening, and in the evening I do not count on being alive by morning.

We are all going on Nûrah’s journey what have we prepared for it?

From ’az-Zamân al-Qâdim
Compiled by ’Abdul-Malik al-Qasim
Translated by Muhammad al-Sharîf

After reading the story, I wonder.. How would I live my life differently, if I know today is my last day..?

~Ummu Yusra~

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Beginning of Our Life Journey On Earth...

Yesterday, Alhamdulillah while I was reading Surah Al-A'raf from the Quran, I came across a few verses, which reminds me about our journey on this Earth.. It all started when Iblis had tricked Adam and Hawaa in the Heaven to eat from the forbidden tree..  The following verses' translation (in Malay) mention what happened after they had eaten the forbidden fruit: 

"Keduanya berkata, "Ya Tuhan kami, kami telah menzalimi diri kami sendiri.  Jika Engkau tidak mengampuni kami dan memberi rahmat kepada kami, niscaya kami termasuk orang-orang yang rugi. (Allah) Berfirman, "Turunlah kamu! Kamu akan saling bermusuhan satu sama lain.  Bumi adalah tempat kediaman dan kesenanganmu sampai waktu yang telah ditentukan".  (Allah) Berfirman, "Di sana kamu hidup, di sana kamu mati, dan dari sana (pula) kamu akan dibangkitkan." Wahai anak cucu Adam!  Sesungguhnya Kami telah Menyediakan pakaian untuk menutupi auratmu dan untuk perhiasan bagimu.  Tetapi pakaian takwa, itulah yang lebih baik. Demikianlah sebahagian tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka ingat."


And from then onwards, Allah has placed our Prophet Adam and his wife, Hawaa on this Earth, which marked the beginning of human being's journey on this Earth.

However, during our journey, we should be mindful that Syaitan would never leave us alone.

Iblis was made to leave the Heaven after he disobeyed Allah's command to bow at our Prophet Adam in the Heaven. Before he left the Heaven, he had requested from Allah as stated in the Quran:

"(Iblis) menjawab, "Berilah aku penangguhan waktu, sampai hari mereka dibangkitkan." (Allah) Berfirman, "Benar, kamu termasuk yang diberi penangguhan waktu. "Iblis menjawab, "Kerana Engkau telah Menyesatkan aku, pasti aku akan selalu menghalangi mereka dari jalan-Mu yang lurus, kemudian pasti aku akan mendatangi mereka dari depan, dari belakang, dari kanan dan dari kiri mereka.  Dan Engkau tidak akan mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur." Allah Berfirman, "Keluarlah kamu dari sana (syurga) dalam keadaan terhina dan terusir! Sesungguhnya barangsiapa di antara mereka ada yang mengikutimu, pasti akan Aku Isi neraka jahannam dengan kamu semua."


After that, the first thing that Iblis did to let human to go astray was by cheating Prophet Adam and Hawa to eat from the forbidden tree until they too were made to leave the Heaven and started living on this Earth. From then onwards, Syaitan's efforts to let us to go astray from the straight path would never end until we die..

Alhamdulillah, since now is Ramadhan (when all Syaitans are tied up for the whole month), I'll grab this golden opportunity to increase my good deeds in this life journey, InsyaAllah.. :-)

~Written by Ummu Yusra~

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadhan is here.. Alhamdulillah..

Today is my first day of fasting outside M'sia after so many years.. Fasting period during summer is a bit long, about 15 hours. Yesterday, we have had early "sahur" at 12 midnight. It was not meant to be sahur actually, it was our late dinner after we came back from our last minute shopping before Ramadhan. We planned to wake up again around 3.30 am but couldn't hear the alarm.. Sorry Abang.. promise that I will wake up every sahur from tomorrow onwards, InsyaAllah..

I really hope and pray that this Ramadhan will be the best Ramadhan in my life, InsyaAllah.. Who knows, maybe this will be my last Ramadhan? Only Allah knows..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Life Is Precious"... a Poem

Life is so precious,

And each day is a gift.

So enjoy every minute,

As it were your last to live.

Cherish your loved ones,

Hug them tight,

Share with them your heart,

And your time.

Nothing is forever,

And life goes so fast,

Each minute that passes,

Is one you can’t get back.

When troubles arrive,

And knock you off your feet,

Stand up and smile,

And remember life is too sweet.

Every morning when you wake,

Decide right from the start,

That “Today will be a good day”

And let it all in with an open heart.

Written by: Laura Strickland ©

"We Complement Each Other".. Princess Story

Long time ago, there lived a beautiful Princess in Scotland, who wished for a charming, handsome Prince to marry her. Besides the needs to have good outside appearance, she also had one long list of behaviour and characters that she wanted her future husband to have. She wanted her husband to be exactly like her..  

Everyday, one Prince would be scheduled to see her at the Palace, wanted to try their luck.

Unfortunately, all of them had failed.. No one really matched her stringent requirement. 

Time passed by...

Every Prince around the world already came to the Palace and tried their luck...

But the Princess still unhappy with all of them and they left the Palace feeling very disappointed..

Time passed by.. and no other Prince ever came to the Palace again..

In the end, the (old) Princess remained unmarried at her last breath, feeling unhappy for not meeting the husband that she wanted..

Moral of the story:

In our life journey, we will never find anyone, who are exactly the same as us.   

Everyone has his/her own strengths and weaknesses..

This really applies for husband and wife relationship..

Do you notice that if the wife likes to talk, her husband would be more of a thinking type (or the other way round).  If the husband is of a friendly type, his wife would be more of a reserved type.  

And their other characters remain opposite to each other..

But there is  nothing to worry about it. All of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.

Despite having the weaknesses at the beginning of their mariage, sooner or later, each would learn from their life partner's strengths and have the inner urge to overcome their weaknesses, naturally... 

So next time, if you are thinking why your husband/ wife is not having your own character/ behaviour that you really wished they have, do remember that husbands and wives do complement each other.. That makes life beautiful and interesting... (but of course you can also pray in your heart that he/she would change one day.. :-))

As for the Princess, she had really missed many golden opportunities in her life journey to make her life happier..

~The End~

Written by Ummu Yusra

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our 8th Wedding Anniversary.. Live the Moment

Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary.. Alhamdulillah.. Thank you for all the best wishes from our thoughtful family and friends.. :-) 

Time really flies.....

Thank you, Abang for the "With Love" Hilary Duff perfume set and the lovely pink card.. :-) The perfume really smells nice!

And the kids and I had baked a small, moist chocolate cake using ready made mixture (hehe.. so tak aci..).  The kids were soo excited to whisk the cake (using spoon), to see the cake "growing" in oven and to place all the fresh cherries "creatively" on the cake (and later removed them before they ate the cake!). It taste good with the rich, melt chocolate topping (even though looks so messy..hehe..) and the kids loved it!! Never know that we need to put 1/2 cup of vegetable oil to make the cake moist! So good for the kids (coz I used corn oil as advised by their Paed) but so bad for Ibu & Ayah! Maybe next time I will use Olive Oil instead.. :-)

Written by Ummu Yusra

Monday, August 17, 2009

You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World

Very inspiring... 

With your beauty, you are better than the sun; with your morals you are more sublime than musk; with your modesty you are nobler than the full moon; with your compassion you a more beneficial than rain. So, preserve your beauty with faith, your tranquility with contentment, your chastity with hijab. 

Remember that your adornment is not gold, silver or diamond, rather, it is two rak'ahs at Fajr going thirsty when you fast for Allah, concealed charity which no one knows except Him, hot tears that wash away sin, a lengthy prostration born of utter submission to Allah, shyness before Allah when the inclination to do evil overwhelms you.

Clothe yourself with the garments of taqwa (piety) for you are the most beautiful woman in the world, even if your clothes are shabby. Clothe yourself with cloak of modesty, for you are the most beautiful woman in the world even if you are barefoot.

O' sincere Muslim, O' believing woman who constantly turns to Allah, the Exalted, be like the palm tree and rise above evil and harm; if a stone is thrown at the palm tree, it lets its fruit drop (and does not retaliate). It remains green summer and winter, and gives many benefits. Do not lower yourself to the level of trivial matters, and rise above all that may damage your modesty and honour.

A man had an argument with his wife and said, "I am going to make your life miserable." The wife calmly replied, "You cannot do that." He said, "Why not?" She said: "If happiness were to be found in money or jewellery, you could deprive me of it and take it away from me, but it is nothing over which you or any other person has control. I find happiness in my faith, and my faith is in my heart, and no one has power over it except my Lord."

The One Who created happiness is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, so how can you seek happiness from anyone other than Him? If people had control over happiness, there would be no deprived or grieving person left on earth.

"Do not give up on yourself, because change is usually slow; you will encounter obstacles that will discourage you, but do not let these obstacles defeat you."

"Your gold is your religion, your adornment is your moral attitude, and your wealth is your good manners."

"When distress strikes and calamities come one after another, then say: La ilaha illallah."

"Do not make your problems the subject of conversations with others, for by doing so you create a barrier between yourself and happiness."

"The most sincere generosity comes from those who do not have anything but recognise the value of a kind word and a smile, How many people give, but it is as if they are giving a slap."

"The most difficult time could be made easier by the smile of a confident person."

"Prepare for the worst, then you will feel that things are getting better."

"Be happy now, today, not tomorrow."

"Frustration is your worst enermy, for it has the power to destroy peace of mind."

"Your happiness does not depend on anyone else, rather, it is in your hands."

"Yesterday is a dream that has gone and tomorrow is merely a beautiful hope. Only today is real."

"Physical well-being comes from eating little, mental well-being comes from sinning little, well-being of the heart comes from worrying little and well-being of the tongue comes from speaking little."

"Men regret speaking, but he will never regret silence."

"In order to be beautiful, your thoughts should be so."

"Man finds happiness in a word that comes from the lips of a woman."

"The strongest fortress is a righteous woman."

"If a beautiful woman is a jewel, a righteous woman is a treasure."

"The best thing a man can have is a faithful wife."

"Be beautiful and you will see the world beautiful."

"A wise man said: 'I have never regretted what I did not say, but I have often regretted what I did say.' "

"Do not wait to be happy so that you smile but smile to be happy."

"Be optimistic, even if you are in the eye of the storm."

"Soon the flowers will bloom, grief will depart and happiness will prevail."

"Sickness is a message in which there is a glad tiding; and good health is a garment that has a price."

"Plant a tasbih (saying Subhan Allah) in a second , an idea in a minute, and a deed in an hour."

"Control your thoughts and you will be happy."

"The successful woman is supplicated for, praised by her husband, loved by her neighbours and respected by her friends."

"Wipe away the tears of the orphan in order to attain the pleasure of the Most Merciful and a house in Paradise."

"Prayer is guaranteed to bring tranquillity and chase away worry."

"Buy with charity the du'a' and love of the poor and needy."

"Allah loves those who repent and turn to Him."

"Giving up sin is Jihad (fighting in Allah's Cause), but persisting in it is stubbornness."

"In the sound heart there is no room for shirk (polytheism), deceit, rancour or envy."

"The wise woman turns a desert into a beautiful garden."

"Futile arguments and trivial discussions take away the sense of peace and tranquillity."

"Wherever you go and find darkness in your life; what you have to do is to light the lamp within yourself."

"Changing from bad to good is a long-term adventure, but it is wonderful."

"If you give in to despair, you will learn nothing and you will never find happiness."

"Check your past and your present, for life is a sequence of experiences from which one should emerge victorious."

"Do not be content to have some dark areas in your life, for the light is there; all you have to do is to turn it on and see it shining."

"Stop regretting your sin and think about the good deeds with which you are going to replace it."

"Happiness exists in you and you should focus your efforts on yourself."

"We need money in order to live but that does not mean that we need to live for the sake of money."

"Cast away all discouraging thoughts that make you feel helpless, and focus on success, then you will never fail."

"If you fail in one of your deeds, you should not give in to despair; do not worry and never doubt that you will find a solution."

"Do not complain about your problems except to those who can help you with advice and kind words."

"Learn how to co-exist with fear and it will disappear."

"Do not worry about things that you cannot perform, rather, spend time on improving what you can improve."

"Be happy with what is in your hand, content with whatever Allah has decreed and give up all daydreams that do not suit your efforts and abilities."

"If you have made mistakes in the past, learn from them, then let them go."

"Self-confidence means finding meaning in life regardless of your age; and being able to gain more from life."

"Regret cannot salvage a ship from the bottom of the sea."

"The value of life is to live every minute of it."

"We cannot change the past or draw the future as we want. Why should we kill ourselves regretting something that we cannot change?"

"There is nothing difficult or impossible in life so long as you are able to work and move."

"There is one way that leads to happiness: stop being worried about the things beyond your control."

"Always bear in mind the picture of success and keep it alive in your mind."

"Thinking of happiness will inevitably lead to thinking of what comes before and after, and that, in itself, spoils the sense of happiness."

"Of quickest message of happiness to others is a sincere smile from the heart."

"The way to happiness is in front of you, so seek it by means of knowledge, righteous deeds and a good attitude. Be moderate in all your affairs and you will be happy."

"The greatest blessing is goodness in the soul which makes one happy."

"Count Allah's blessings upon you, not your problems."

"Real beauty lies in beautiful behaviour, manners and mind"

"Foul tongues causes more trouble to their owners than to their victims."

"The happiest man is the one who makes the largest number of people happy."

"The wise man seeks to benefit from wise opinions; he never despairs or gives up thinking and trying."

"Frustration is your worst enemy, for it has the power to destroy peace of mind."

- Author: DR. 'A'id al Qarni

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"How To Be Happy" - a Short Poem...

We visited Call Of the Wild in Gaylord, Michigan last Thursday. In the middle of many waxed animals found in Michigan, there was a small exhibition corner, which has a collection of short poems hanging on the wall. I came across this little poem, "How To Be Happy" by an anonymous author.  It is a very simple principle, which I have neglected all of my life.  

Hopefully, I would still have the chance to change to a new leaf and always be considerate & helpful to others...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sincerity & Hidden Deeds...

The following article, I find it very useful for my life journey especially... It's a bit long but it contains important message on SINCERITY and also some DEEDS that I can carry along with me in my journey to the next, everlasting day..

Source: "Ramadhan Reminders"

Sometimes I sit for long periods of time just thinking about ikhlas (sincerity). SubhanAllah and how important is sincerity in our deen! We all know the hadith; perhaps it’s the most well known, recited and memorized. When Imam Bukhari was compiling the most authentic hadith in one collection (it’s now referred to as Saheeh al-Bukhari), he placed this hadith at the beginning; as did Imam an-Nawawi in his famous collection of 40 hadith. The hadith is as follows:

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:

"Actions are (judged) by intentions (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated."
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

This hadith speaks volumes and it shows us that as Muslims really all of our good deeds should be for Alla’s sake alone. Not for praise, a high five, pat on the back, a position, approval, money, the list goes on and on. I know, wallahi it’s hard to be sincere, it’s a great struggle. It was said to one of the pious predecessors Sahl: What is the hardest thing for the soul (to achieve)? He said: Sincerity, when there is no other desire in it.

It’s even harder when we live in a society where it’s all about ‘getting the credit’ and ‘grabbing the attention’; where people compete for attention and approval even with their good deeds. I know, it happens to all of us. Sometimes we might start a good deed sincerely for the sake of Allah but then notice the positive reaction we get from others. The ‘Masha’Allahs!, tabarakAllahas…or the ’brother/sister you are so good!”. Things like that. Or maybe you start a blog or a website and notice how much traffic it’s receiving. You’ll hear your brother or sister say masha’Allah your websie has 5K hits”. This good feedback hurts your sincerity and you are exposed to the disease of riyaa (showing off good deeds for the sake of others).

It happens to me a lot. For example, when I fast voluntarily (for example on Mondays and Thursdays), if my family comes to find out about it, it’s no understatement to say I get treated like a critically ill patient! My mom especially pays special attention to me and orders my siblings to wait on me hand and foot! She refuses to let me do anything, even to get her a drink from the kitchen. She says: “What! You are fasting! Don’t move, one of your siblings will get it!” Now, it’s true I do have a very loving mother who fears Allah and gives so much honor and respect to the fasting person, however I started to worry about my intention fearing that it might change. That I might start fasting only for the good treatment; after that I strived to conceal my fasts from everyone as I didn’t want to be insincere to Allah (or for my siblings to despise me!) :) And Alhamdulilah I’m feel much better. Recently I read an amazing statement from the Salaf about sincerity and fasting:

It is reported that Dâwûd b. Abî Hind fasted for forty years without his family knowing, he would take his lunch out with him and donate it in the street.
Al-Dhahabî, op. cit. Vol. 6 p378.

SubhanAllah, 40 years! Allahu Akbar. Are we capable of doing the same? We must try, insha’Allah! We have to follow in their righteous footsteps. We have to be sincere like they were.
This reminds me of a funny story this sheikh told us. Let me compare it with one from the Salaf.

Sincerity of the Khalaf (Those who came after, i.e. us):

One day a man was in the Masjid praying. Wht was apparent to the people was that he had so much khushoo (concentration) in his prayer. They watched him pray. Each movement masha’Allah it was perfect. One person told another: “Masha’Allah, he has so much khushoo in prayer, he must be a good, pious man.” The man, while praying turned to them and said: “Alhamdulilah! I’m fasting too!” :)

Sincerity of the Salaf (Those who came before):

It was reported that a man was closely watching Bishr As-Sulaimi (ra) who was prolonging his prayer and performing it well. When Bishr completed his prayer, he said to the man, “Do not be deceived by what you have seen from me. For indeed, Iblis, the Shaytan-may Allah curse him-worshipped Allah for thousands of years and then ended up being what he is now!” (Bahrud Duma’, page 171)


Here are some more statements from them on sincerity:

It is reported from Ayyoob as-Sakhtiyaanee that he said: Purifying the intention is harder than all other actions for those who act.

It is reported from al-Junaid that he said: To Allaah belong servants who understand, and when they understand they act and when they act they make (their action) sincere. Their recalling of Ikhlaas at the time of doing righteousness is what accumulates the greatest (good for them).

One of them said: Whoever sees sincerity in his sincerity, his sincerity is itself in need of sincerity. The destruction of every sincere person lies in his sincerity, (he is destroyed) to the extent that he sees sincerity in himself. When he abandons seeing sincerity in himself he will be sincere and purified.

It is reported from Ibn al-Mubaarak that he said: I heard Ja'far bin Hayyaan say: The foundations of these actions are the intentions. Indeed a man reaches with his intentions a position he does not reach with his actions.


Sometimes, we mistakenly think that in order to be sincere we have to give up deeds we are doing. However this is corrupted thinking. Leaving deeds for the people is only another face of riyaa! Instead we must constantly check and recheck our intentions. We must constantly ask Allah to purify them from corruption. Another thing we can do is increase in more hidden (secret) good deeds. Those only Allah is a witness to.

Salamah bin Dinar said: "Hide your good deeds (from the people) just like you hide your evil deeds." (Abu Nu'aym, Bayhaqee) And in a narration in al-Bayhaqee: "Hide your good deed like you hide your evil deed, and do not be amazed with your own action, for you do not know whether you are happy or wretched (in the Hereafter)."

I searched my collection of books and I found some good deeds we can all do, which are very easy and which can be done in secret.


Allah SWT says:

Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire."(Surah Ale-Imran 190-191)

"And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words in the mornings, and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful."(Surah Al-A'raf 206)

Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah Salalahu Alayhi wa Salaam as saying that Allah, the Exalted has said: “I am with my slave when he remembers Me, and his lips move mentioning Me.” (Bukhari)

2) Tawbah (Repentance) & Istighfar (Seeking Forgiveness)

"It is He, Who shows you His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and sends down (rain with which grows) provision for you from the sky. And none remembers but those who turn (to Allah) in obedience and in repentance (by begging His Pardon and by worshipping and obeying Him Alone and none else)." (Surah Ghafir: 13)

The Prophet Salalahu Alayhi wa Salaam said: “All the sons of Adam are sinners (there is non who has never sinned or done any wrong) btu the best of sinners are those who are given to repentance and who turn to Allah.” (Tirmithi, Ibn Majah, Darami)

Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet Salalahu Alayhi wa Salaam said: “By Allah, I seek forgiveness of Allah and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day.”(Bukhari)

3. Qiyam al-Layl or Tahajud

"Only those believe in Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), who, when they are reminded of them fall down prostrate, and glorify the Praises of their Lord, and they are not proud.Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (charity in Allah's Cause) out of what We have bestowed on them. No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do." (Surah As-Sajdah: 15-17)

It is related by Abu Huraira that the Messenger Salalahu Alayhi wa Salaam said: “After the obligatory prayers the most superior prayer is that of the middle of the night (i.e. Tahajjud).” (Muslim)

4. Charity Given in Secret

Allah SWT says:

"If you give charity openly then what a good thing it is; and if you give to beggars hidingly it is better for you than every thing, and He will remove some of your sins. And Allah is Aware of what you do." (Qur'an 2:271).

"O you who believe! Spend out of what We have given you."(2:254)

“Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public have their reward with their Rabb (only God and Sustainer). On them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.” (Qur‘an, 2:274)

Prophet Muhammad Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam said, “Seven people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His.” Among them is: A man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity. (Bukhari)

5. Fasting

Abu Dharr Al-Ghafari reported: "The Messenger of Allah ordered us to fast for three days of every month - that is, on the days of the full moon (the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the lunar month). And he said: 'It is like fasting the whole year.'" (Reported by An-Nasa'i) 

The Prophet Salalahu Alayhi wa Salaam said: “The observance of three days fast every month and of Ramadan every year is a perpetual fast. I seek frolm Allah that fasting on the day of Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and coming year, and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding years.” (Muslim)


Of course there are many more we can do! May Allah count us amongst the sincere! Ameen
Insha’Allah we do these good deeds in secret. Let’s not broadcast to the world every time we give something in charity or fast. As Allah is sufficient as a witness and it is He that will grant us reward. Allah SWT says:

“O you who believe! Do not render vain your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men and he does not believe in Allah nor in the last Day.” (Qur’an, 2: 264) 

Muhammad ibn Yazeed narrated to us…that Ibraheem said:

“[The Salaf] used to hate that a man would show the best of what he has when they gather”
Khaalid ibn Khadaash narrated to us…that ‘Ubayd Allaah ibn ‘Abdullaah said: 

“Goodness was not known from ‘Umar or ibn ‘Umar until they spoke or acted. A man would worship Allaah for twenty years, his own neighbor would not know of it.” 

Hamaad [in the chain of narration] said: “One of you would pray one night or part of a night, and his neighbor would know in the morning.”

So never mind telling the people, it’s between you and your Rabb!

InshaAllah I am the first to act upon this advice, and I hope you benefitted as well.

Let me conclude with a beautiful verse from the Book of Allah:

"Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to Allah in Islam) men and women, the believers men and women (who believe in Islamic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to Allah), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which Allah has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord Allah), the men and the women who give Sadaqat (i.e. Zakat, and alms, etc.), the men and the women who observe Saum (fast) (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the optional Nawafil fasting), the men and the women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues (while sitting, standing, lying, etc. for more than 300 times extra over the remembrance of Allah during the five compulsory congregational prayers) or praying extra additional Nawafil prayers of night in the last part of night, etc.) Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise)." (Surah Al-Ahzab: 35)

I ask Allah to make us of those who hear the best of words and who act upon them,
I ask Allah to cool our insincere hearts and actions with sincerity,
I ask Allah to make us from the sincere Muslims in this life and to raise us with the sincere, truthful, prophets and martyrs on the Day of Judgment,

Allahumma Ameen!

BarakAllahu Feekum
Wa’Salaamu Alaaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu