Long time ago, there lived a beautiful Princess in Scotland, who wished for a charming, handsome Prince to marry her. Besides the needs to have good outside appearance, she also had one long list of behaviour and characters that she wanted her future husband to have. She wanted her husband to be exactly like her..
Everyday, one Prince would be scheduled to see her at the Palace, wanted to try their luck.
Unfortunately, all of them had failed.. No one really matched her stringent requirement.
Time passed by...
Every Prince around the world already came to the Palace and tried their luck...
But the Princess still unhappy with all of them and they left the Palace feeling very disappointed..
Time passed by.. and no other Prince ever came to the Palace again..
In the end, the (old) Princess remained unmarried at her last breath, feeling unhappy for not meeting the husband that she wanted..
Moral of the story:
In our life journey, we will never find anyone, who are exactly the same as us.
Everyone has his/her own strengths and weaknesses..
This really applies for husband and wife relationship..
Do you notice that if the wife likes to talk, her husband would be more of a thinking type (or the other way round). If the husband is of a friendly type, his wife would be more of a reserved type.
And their other characters remain opposite to each other..
But there is nothing to worry about it. All of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.
Despite having the weaknesses at the beginning of their mariage, sooner or later, each would learn from their life partner's strengths and have the inner urge to overcome their weaknesses, naturally...
So next time, if you are thinking why your husband/ wife is not having your own character/ behaviour that you really wished they have, do remember that husbands and wives do complement each other.. That makes life beautiful and interesting... (but of course you can also pray in your heart that he/she would change one day.. :-))
As for the Princess, she had really missed many golden opportunities in her life journey to make her life happier..
~The End~
Written by Ummu Yusra
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