But Alhamdulillah, life always offer us with choices for every obstacles and every challenges that we face in life. It all depends on us to make the decision coz we have been gifted with our thinking capabilities as human being.
At the age of 30s (or even at the age of early 20s), we are already wise enough to make our own decision. Maybe not really wise in our late teenage years, I think.. (I still didn't know which course to choose after my SPM, either Polymer Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Electrical Engineering!:-))
I can still remember when I was 13 years old, I was "forced" by my parents to continue my studies in a boarding school. Well, at that point of time, I was so naive and couldn't make my own decision wisely (only now I had realised that..) Alhamdulillah, my parents had made that decision for me to stay in the boarding school despite my homesickness for the first few weeks (thank you, Abah & Mak!:-))
What decision have you made in your life recently?
Whatever decision that we make in life, do remember that our life is too precious to be wasted.
If we start to feel unhappy about our life, stop and think for a while.. "Do we have other alternatives?" "Can I change my current situation?" There is always alternatives for every situation. Always make decision for our own happiness. Nevertheless, once in a while, we have to also consider happiness of other people around us too, especially those people that we love.
Bottom line is, we must know our priorities in life to help us make any decision. If we have conflicting priorities, for example our work and our family, there is always a way (InsyaAllah) that we can work around it. Plan so that we can still satisfy our first priority without having to sacrifice the other priority. We may have to do some sacrifice here.. (like doing our office work during our vacation, maybe?)
Whatever it is, make the best out of this precious life of ours...
~Ummu Yusra~
Kuala Lumpur
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